Individual project for CSE190a at UCSD Winter Quarter 2008. The project is based upon the design and requirements specified by the UCSD AUVSI team that is entering the AUVSI UAS competition for UAV reconnaissance.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Classification Results

Results: So far the results have been mixed. As we can see from the images below, a couple of positive images get classified into my "gray area" of dubious images. These are image that have traits of both target and empty images. However, the thresholding levels of the classification are hardcoded. I would like this to be more dynamic and autonomous, possibly using some form of Bayes or distance based classifier. Yet this would require gaining data for a positive set as well as just negative (empty images) or would need to calculate the distance of comparisions from the center of the negative class and threshold the classification based on some distance from this center point. Options to be discussed in meeting on Monday 28th Jan.

I have an idea or rather a hope that the images have been classified badly here because of the variety of the lighting offered. I imagine that in real conditions such a sharp difference in lighting would not be present. I shall attempt to get some more realistic data which has less variation in lighting.


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