Individual project for CSE190a at UCSD Winter Quarter 2008. The project is based upon the design and requirements specified by the UCSD AUVSI team that is entering the AUVSI UAS competition for UAV reconnaissance.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Blurred Test Solves Several Cases

Testing the blurred images again i found a human error in my code due to reusing code from elsewhere in the program. It is now fixed and actually shows a good improvement in that all images are classified as Present if they truly are present. I have yet to see a test/sample case where the images have been incorrectly classified.

Also with the new blurred image code the images are now actually picking up previous blurred images too. Showing that a careful selection of varying conditions from illumination to blurred tests will give results that a usable throughout the system. Ideally a larger set of training data would be used rather than the minimal 12 training images currently working with, yet this gives reasonable results to the minimum degree of accuracy required...100% coverage of all target images, yet still allows through a few similar images that are not truly targets (i.e true negatives).

2: 0.119070 Present - Normal
3: 0.128092 Present - Normal
4: 0.082883 Present - Normal
5: 0.131328 Present - Normal
6: 0.072161 Present - Dark
7: 0.053662 Present - Normal
8: 0.159959 Present - Normal
9: 1.000000 Empty
10: 0.113700 Present - Normal
11: 0.156434 Present - Normal
12: 1.000000 Empty
13: 0.045220 Present - Normal
14: 0.077655 Present - Blurred Test //Old Blurry image now found
15: 0.099331 Present - Blurred Test //Old Blurry image now found
16: 1.000000 Empty
17: 1.000000 Empty
18: 1.000000 Empty
19: 0.181530 Present - Normal
20: 0.187497 Present - Normal
21: 0.183492 Present - Normal
22: 0.154783 Present - Normal //Non blurry version of image
23: 0.140616 Present - Normal //Non blurry version of image
24: 0.163971 Present - Normal //New Blurry image found as a normal instead
25: 0.095063 Present - Blurred Test //New Blurry image found

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